Boston Barrier Community Hub

Full information about Establishment Boston Barrier Community Hub at The Found Riverside Industrial Estate, Marsh Lane, Boston, England PE21 7PJ. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


The Found Riverside Industrial Estate, Marsh Lane, Boston, England PE21 7PJ
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Phone number:
+44 7747 640663



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Opening times

Wednesday 12:00 — 19:00
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Images of Boston Barrier Community Hub

Boston Barrier Community Hub

Reviews about Boston Barrier Community Hub

  • David Matthews
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    I am a Design Engineer who when I retired had over 60 similar projects to my name. I have studied all the information on show and find it very confusing. Halcrow, after I asked a question on water flows told the EA that continuous water control water control was not possible and left the project. What are the "bells and whistles" that are to be dropped? The availability of navigation for a considerable part of the tidal cycle? Avoiding the increased tide risk confirmed by MottMcDonald? Not closing the barrier other than in the 100 year event? Will it work after lying open for 100 years or even 10?
    I had to give one star to get this published but no stars is one too many.
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